You can go from being financially overwhelmed to a debt free, full-time traveler too! (Or whatever else you want.)

The Beginning Of My Money Story

Is yours similar?

  • Listen to parents fight about money (any everything else)

  • Develop money scarcity mindset growing up

  • Learn to save every penny and not have any fun

  • Move out on my own, get married, and have kids early on

  • Rack up lots of debt because I didn't know how to say what I wanted

  • Go through divorce & become single parent to two young kids

  • Become even more scared of not having enough money, so say no to EVERYTHING kids ask for

  • Get married to a guy with a lot of debt

  • Ignore tough money conversations

  • Ponder divorce for a second time

  • Fill my days with gazillions of "odd jobs" to make money because there never seemed to be enough

  • Continue the generational trauma of fighting about money (and everything else) in my own home

  • Make a plan to pay off all debt

  • Hate the process and develop more negative feelings towards debt

  • Pay off all debt and still fight with my husband daily

  • Go back into debt 4 months later

  • Develop severe anxiety

  • Ponder divorce again.

The Turning Point

I knew things had to change because I was so tired of being on the hamster wheel. It was mentally and physically exhausting. So the second half of my money story reads like this.

  • Get tired of my own shit

  • Start to educate myself on ways to communicate differently

  • Take things one day at a time

  • Hire a coach

  • Start dating my husband again

  • Put up guardrails to keep us on track with our plan of feeling secure with our money

  • Pay off all debt again

  • Communicate with my husband and kids about money in a productive manner

  • Heal the scarcity and other money wounds

  • Heal my anxiety

  • Create true peace of mind with finances

  • Help others change their money story

  • Talk about money all day long!

  • Become full-time RVer and travel the US while being the sole financial supporter

  • Continue to learn and grow.

Why Money, Why Now?

Money touches every single aspect of your life, that's why.

It is my mission (which is far deeper than a passion) to build up your financial literacy so you feel confident in EVERY financial decision you come to.

Life is so much more than working 40+ hours a week and paying bills.
It's about having fun, creating new experiences, and being present in each moment.

You may be wanting to

  • eliminate debt

  • grow your savings

  • plan for your kids' future and/or your own retirement

  • make your business profitable

  • take a salary, or

  • implement financial systems

I get it, it feels overwhelming when your paycheck doesn't seem to cover the basics let alone any thing additional.

Married, single, divorced, younger, wiser, with kids or without, business owner, or employee, the basics are the same. And those basics aren't taught in school.

So that's where I come in. To help you navigate this thing called FINANCES in a way that is simple, fun, and produces results quickly.

Now is the time because you don't deserve to put it off any longer.

Some Fun Facts About Me

  • Popcorn and Pretzels are gross

    I love crime podcasts and books

    My favorite flower is a Bearded Iris

    I am obsessed with colored pens

    I am a recovering perfectionist

    I am a dreamer

    Nothing makes me happier than seeing clients win!

    I love a good whisky

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