Overwhelmed with where to start?
Exhausted and working more hours to bring in more money?
Tired of fighting with your partner over money?
Wanting to actually reach your financial goals?
Not following through with your budget?
Looking to learn how to make your money work for you?
Feel more in control of your finances
Create true safety within your financial plan
Protect your income and family with financial stability
Plan ahead to live spontaneously
Communicate more effectively with yourself, partner, and kids
I needed this guidance because for the first time, I have extra money for myself and I just didn't know what to do with it. Thank you for redirecting me to those three priorities! I am blessed to have you in my life."
~Client R
This has been such a game changer in our lives. Being able to learn more about how we communicate and putting together a money plan that leads us to the goals we set."
~Clients M&M
Because of your help, I feel so much more confident with our money decisions and I no longer feel guilty for spending money on the things I want. We've paid cash for Christmas for the first time ever and it feels great!"
~Clients N&J
It feels like a lifetime trying to pay off consumer debt and grow your savings but life keeps happening. It seems as if each time you get a little extra money, a medical bills ends up in your mailbox, you have a plumbing leak in the bathroom, or someone is sick and the next paycheck is lower....
You're already not spending money on the things you really want to, which makes going to work the next day even harder.
The hours you put into your business seem to never end and you aren't making the money you thought you would. Waiting desperately for the next client to sign up or the next big order to be placed so you can make a credit card payment and pay the electric bill.
Because of this, you
feel overwhelmed
mentally drained
and your relationships are suffering
You are probably considering "burning it all down" and starting over. Boy did I feel that!
And what you really want is to:
feel like all your hard work is paying off
be able to travel more!
know you can take care of the misc. bills that come in
feel safe and confident in your money decisions
go to the grocery store and not have to put items back or hope the payment goes through
see the profits grow in your business
No matter how long you've been in the paycheck to paycheck cycle, pulling out of your savings as soon as you get money in there or not being able to take home more money from your business, you are not alone. Because you weren't taught about money, there is so much confusion around how use it wisely, so it makes sense that you need financial guidance.
There was a time when I had $30 a week for groceries. I knew I needed to work more hours but I didn't have the extra money to pay for daycare. I was a single mom for a while and the pressure was heavy.
Then, when I met my now husband (almost 20 years ago) some things changed. We had more income but we also had more debt... And the debt bothered me so much, that on our wedding night,
I got out a pen and paper and started listing all the debts. 😩
I needed to create a plan to get it paid off. He wasn't so excited about that, I mean, it was our wedding night.....
We lived in restriction for YEARS, and from 2006-2010 we paid off about $60,000 of consumer debt to become debt free. It was such a great feeling! But it lasted only four months. By the end of 2010 we were back in debt.
You see, the program we used to get out of debt didn't teach us how to STAY out of debt. By the beginning of 2011,
Our marriage was deteriorating
Our days were spent fighting, barely surviving, hiding in work, or ignoring our issues
And we had a pile ($54,000!!) of new debt
It was awful...
I knew how to get out of debt by this time so my focus changed to staying out of debt long term.
I wanted our marriage to heal.
I wanted to teach our kids how to effectively manage money.
I wanted to live a happy, peaceful life and still be able to retire one day.
We worked to pay off the new debt and became debt free for the second time in 2018. And we are still debt free today.
All of that lead me to create Keeping Up With The Joneses Financial Coaching. I love helping others grow their financial literacy AND release the financial stress they carry.
This isn't just about the meantime - you are building skills that will last a lifetime!
This is about spending more money in the areas that bring value to your life and lead you to the life you deserve.
These feelings are holding you back from seeing what is truly possible with your money.
Emergencies create a negative reaction within your body. That shouldn't be tied to your money. So we create Peace Of Mind instead.
You have enough judgement in your life. You won't find any here!
Not your money situation. I am bold with my coaching so you have the BEST opportunity for growth.
Not just the BIG wins but the little steps you take to make huge changes long term.
It's time you shed the weight of financial stress